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Marketing Classes Offered by DeWinter Marketing & PR – Denver

Marketing Classes in Denver | DeWinter Marketing & PR | DenverLearn to avoid costly marketing mistakes with classes on marketing, SEO, website best practices & more!

DeWinter Marketing & PR offers series of informative, lively marketing classes & workshops that can be taught privately for individual companies, associations, or nonprofits – or taught publicly. Here’s the list of marketing classes that DeWinter Marketing President Courtney DeWinter teaches.

Class Update: DeWinter Marketing currently is not teaching in-person marketing classes, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. If you want to get on the list to be alerted of marketing classes that will be taught online, please sign up for the DeWinter Marketing Monthly Marketing Tip.

Roster of Available Marketing Classes


SEO 101

How The Google Panda, Penguin, Zebra & Hummingbird Updates Have Changed SEO & What To Do About It
Google’s Panda, Penguin, Zebra & Hummingbird updates to its search engine algorithm have turned SEO on its ear. As a result of these updates, many SEO strategies no longer work — and other SEO strategies have become far more important in helping you rise in the rankings. This fast-track boot camp provides an overview of the massive updates to the Google search engine algorithm in non-technical terms and introduces the number one SEO strategy that will be your new best friend to help your website rise in the rankings.

Time: 2 hours
Cost: $195

Marketing Classes | DeWinter Marketing & PR – Denver


Content Marketing 101

Learn how & why Content Marketing is your business’s best friend for rising in the rankings & generating leads. We’ll briefly discuss what happened to the Google algorithm, and how that forever changed how you rise in the organic rankings. Then we’ll cover the various types of content assets that can be put to use to help your website rise in the rankings, attract site visitors, and build relationships, how to efficiently re-purpose content & more!

Time:  1.25 hours
Cost:  $95

Marketing Classes | DeWinter Marketing & PR – Denver

Content Marketing 201

After you’ve learned about why Content Marketing is so important and what it is, then learn to develop a content marketing calendar designed to help you SELL your products or services. This lively workshop will include some lecture, and then we’ll dive right into helping everyone develop their annual content marketing calendar. You will walk out with a rough draft that you can tweak as needed.

Time:  2 hours
Cost:  $195

Marketing Classes | DeWinter Marketing & PR – Denver


Email Marketing 101

This Email Marketing Boot Camp makes the case for why you should deploy email marketing, why you need to use an email marketing technology platform (vs. your own group lists), specific tactical information about how to build a permission-based list, when to send, info about responsive email templates, and how to avoid the typical mistakes made in email marketing. We will also review the top content that should be in your email to customers & prospects. This class is jam-packed with great information to launch or improve an email marketing program for your business.

Time: 1.5 hours
Cost:  $95

Marketing Classes | DeWinter Marketing & PR – Denver


WordPress Websites 101

This class outlines the standard WordPress website development process & the basic steps you need to take to make sure that the website you develop is developed efficiently, and that it actually does your business good. Note: We have developed this class in response to working with clients who came to us after developing websites that had to be significantly re-engineered, re-organized & re-optimized because somebody steered them wrong. (Wasting money makes us crazy. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right the first time.)

Time: 2 hours
Cost: $195


How to Launch a Company, Product, or Service

This boot camp teaches entrepreneurs & company owners how to properly launch a company or product. Participants will learn WHY you need to do a launch, and HOW to do a marketing launch. This Marketing Launch Boot Camp will cover essential pre-launch marketing activities, as well as actual marketing launch activities. Participants will learn the proper sequence of marketing activities that need to take place for a successful launch, definitions/descriptions of specific marketing launch activities, and common mistakes that can tank a launch. Participants will receive a step-by-step Marketing Launch Checklist.

Time: 3 hours
Cost: $295

Marketing Classes | DeWinter Marketing & PR – Denver



How To Improve the Power, Clarity & Impact of Business Pitches & Speaking Engagements
This Business Pitch & Speaking Boot Camp blends 3 distinct areas of content to improve the quality & impact of a company or individual’s business pitches and speeches. Content includes: 1) marketing fundamentals (positioning, counter-positioning against your competitors, messaging & scripting highlights); 2) speaking fundamentals based on performance techniques used by actors, singers & dancers (use of voice, “physicality, & your personal “energy”); and 3) behavioral sciences (strategies for non-verbally conveying strategic messages, how to build rapport, show team cohesiveness & building rapport). This boot camp is 60% lecture, information & demonstration of techniques; plus actual practice time speaking followed by on-the-spot feedback on your top strengths & top areas for improvement.

Time: 3 hours
Cost: $295


Media Interview Boot Camp

How To Effectively Conduct Interviews With The Media
This Media Interviewing Boot Camp helps executives, business owners & company spokespeople understand how journalists work and craft stories, and do a better job of providing the information & interview materials and answers that meet the reporter’s needs. This boot camp covers how news happens, and interviewing tips and techniques – followed by “mock interviews” with the media by each participant, and on-the-spot feedback on how to improve. There’s usually a lot of laughter in these lively sessions…but participants truly walk away armed with a lot of knowledge and a better understanding of how to successfully work with a journalist who wants a story. Of note, Boot Camp Teacher Courtney DeWinter has 25+ years of experience as a reporter, magazine features writer, staff editor, and/or managing editor, plus a journalism degree. So this Media Interviewing Boot Camp features the perspective of both a PR consultant and an actual reporter.

Time: 3 hours
Cost: $295

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