DeWinter Marketing & PR provides business presentation coaching that nets a company a coveted multi-million-dollar contract
THE CHALLENGE: National real estate firm pursuing a multi-million-dollar account against heavy competition
Business presentation coaching from Courtney DeWinter helped the Denver branch of a large national real estate company successfully pitch a highly coveted, multi-million-dollar account. They were competing against all the other big players in the market. They were asked to provide a series of business presentations that ultimately would determine who was awarded the contract. DeWinter Marketing & PR Agency Principal Courtney DeWinter was commissioned to provide business presentation coaching.
THE SOLUTION: Provide business pitch coaching & presentation consulting
This forward-thinking company hired DeWinter Marketing & PR Agency President Courtney DeWinter to work behind the scenes to:
- Assess the competition
- Re-write the presentation
- Clarify messaging
Once the preliminary work was completed, she conducted multiple rehearsals with the business pitch team, and helped them refine and polish the DELIVERY of the presentation. She also worked with each business pitch team member to help them strengthen their strong areas even further, and improve presentation weaknesses.
THE RESULTS: A multi-million-dollar contract in the bag!
This company was awarded the multi-million-dollar contract, not just because they presented well, but because they did a better job of conveying the tremendous expertise and team that would be brought to bear, if they were given the commission.
When pitching new business, particularly important big contracts, there is no substitute for bringing in a consultant to provide business presentation coaching.