How To Get Quality Backlinks For Websites
In previous posts, I’ve explained about website backlink basics and why backlinks are so important to building up how your website shows up in rankings. As a reminder, a website backlink is a link coming INTO your website from another, reputable, third-party website. To recap, high-quality backlinks will help your website rankings, while spammy, low-quality backlinks can actually harm your website’s ranking power.
In this follow-up blog, you’ll get ideas for how to get quality backlinks for websites.
Quality Backlinks Must Be Relevant To What You Do
The Google algorithm requires that a backlink (a link from another website linking to your website) comes from reputable sources, and from websites related to your industry or service area.
Good Backlink Example: A website backlink to a marketing agency website from a marketing industry association (A high-quality backlink that’s relevant to the marketing agency’s line of work.)
Bad Backlink Example: A link to a marketing agency website from Joe’s Bar and Grill in Schenectady, New York (A poor-quality backlink that won’t do your website any good.)
3 Ideas for How To Get Quality Backlinks For Websites
Here are 3 ideas on how to get backlinks for your website that are QUALITY backlinks:
Reputable Backlink Idea 1: A Link From An Industry Magazine Buyer’s Guide
Check out the trade industry magazines that serve your particular industry. Example: A plumbing company would logically be reading PLUMBER Magazine. If PLUMBER magazine offers the opportunity to pay to get into their annual magazine buyer’s guide, this is an example of a reputable backlink. With most buyer’s guides, you pay a fee to the magazine to get into the print and the online version. If you buy in at a level beyond the free listing, go for the paid opportunity that gives you a description of your company and a link back to your website. Google loves these kinds of backlinks because they are coming from reputable source in your industry. Of note, the cost to get into a paid buyer’s guide varies. But you can often find buyer’s guide opportunities starting at $500 per year (for the listing that gives you a backlink.)
Reputable Backlink Idea 2: A Listing From A Relevant Industry Association
Like the industry trade magazines that are directly relevant to what you do, you also can join a relevant industry association and one of the membership perks often is a listing in their online directory. When reviewing which level of membership to buy, ALWAYS look for the membership level that gives you a backlink from the association directory to your website. Again, because the backlink is coming from an industry association relevant to what you do, that industry-relevant backlink will carry more weight.
Reputable Backlink Idea 3: Press Coverage From A Media Outlet
If you get a backlink set up from a local business magazine, that is always helpful. But if your PR counsel can get your company or non-profit included in a “best of” story that comes from a big, powerful media outlet, that carries a lot of weight too. Be advised that if you’re trying to get into a “Best Of” article from a big media outlet like Forbes Magazine, you’ll pay a fortune. But if you find that a media outlet is doing a round-up story that covers what you do, deploy your PR counsel to get you into that story. If you make the cut, there’s a good chance the magazine will run your website address as a live link in the online story.
There are plenty of ways to get quality backlinks for websites. The trick is to pursue the quality backlinks that do you good vs. paying $10 to get a backlink from a junk website that has nothing to do with your products or services. Deploy these ideas on how to get quality backlinks for websites, and you’ll be on your way to higher rankings.
If you need help on how to get quality backlinks for websites, contact DeWinter Marketing & PR USA.